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说 shuo

Home Pinyin shuo

别说 bié shuō don’t say

不用说 bùyòng shuō needless to say

传说 chuánshuō legend; legends

好说 hǎoshuō good to say

胡说 húshuō drivel; nonsense; raves

胡说八道 húshuō bādào nonsense

话说 huàshuō say

假说 jiǎshuō hypotheses; hypothesis

解说 jiěshuō commentary; descant

就是说 jiùshì shuō that is

据说 jùshuō it is said; reportedly

可以说是 kěyǐ shuō shì you could say so

来说 lái shuō in terms of

老实说 lǎoshí shuō honestly

乱说 luàn shuō discourse

难说 nánshuō hard to say

评说 píngshuō comment

劝说 quànshuō persuasion

却说 quèshuō but said

说白了 shuōbáile to be honest

说不定 shuō bu dìng maybe

说不清 shuō bu qīng unclear

说唱 shuōchàng rap

说出 shuōchū speak out; utter

说穿 shuōchuān put on

说错 shuō cuò wrong

说到底 shuō dàodǐ after all

说到做到 shuō dào zuò dào do as promised

说道 shuōdao said

说法 shuōfǎ parlance; statement

说服 shuōfú convince; convinces; persuade; persuaded

说好 shuō hǎo agreed

说话 shuōhuà speak

说谎 shuōhuǎng lie; lying

说教 shuōjiào didactic; moralising; moralizing; preach; preaching

说客 shuōkè lobbyist

说明 shuōmíng description; illustrate; illustrates; illustrating; illustrative; indicating; narratives; stating

说明书 shuōmíngshū instruction manual

说情 shuōqíng intercede

说说 shuō shuō talk about

说说而已 shuō shuō éryǐ i am just joking

说说话 shuō shuōhuà say something

诉说 sùshuō hewn; tell

虽说 suīshuō although

听说 tīng shuō it is said that

图说 túshuō graph

无话可说 wú huà kě shuō nothing to say

小说 xiǎoshuō fiction; fictions; novel; novels

学说 xuéshuō doctrine; theory

演说 yǎnshuō oratorical; speech

也就是说 yě jiùshì shuō that is

一般来说 yībān lái shuō generally speaking

游说 yóushuō lobbying

与其说 yǔqí shuō not so much

再说 zàishuō say again

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce